Law |
Commission for Anti-Corruption |
Medida Sira Ba Prevene No Kombate Korrupsaun (Lei: 7/2020) |
Publication |
ASEAN iha Relatoriu Peskiza Negosiu (2020) |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Konformidade ho Regulamentu: Guiu badak kona ba oinsa lori benefisiu ba ita nia negósiu |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Descrisaun no Kódigu Merkadoria Harmonizadu: Gia Aprendizajen Ba Broker Alfândega iha Timor-Leste |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Sistema Harmonizadu: Gia Kompletu ida ba Broker Alfandega no Empreza sira iha Timor-Leste |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Gia Badak Ida kona ba Fatura Komersial, Incoterms no Sistema Harmonizadu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Poster Lina Apoiu Alfandega |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Gia Badak ida kona-ba Entrepostu no Fasilitasaun Fatin Rai Sasan Temporariu sira |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Lista kona-ba merkadoria sira ne’ebé ezije nível kontrolu regularmente balun husi Diresaun Nasionál ba Farmasia no Medikamentu nian |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Diretoriu ba Broker Alfandega |
Law |
Alterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu Lei nu. 19/2003, loron 8 Outubru (Regulamentu Tarifa Portu sira Timor-Leste nian) (Dekretu Lei: 28/2015) |
Publication |
Asian Development Bank |
BDA: Tendénsia Komérsiu no Transporte Marítima iha Pasífiku |
Publication |
Asian Development Bank |
BDA: Planu Operasionál Negósiu País – Timor-Leste (2021-2023) |
Law |
Estabelesimentu ba Autoridade Portu no aprova Estatutu sira respetivu (Dekretu Lei: 03/2003) |
Publication |
Ministry of Finance |
Planu Estratejia Timor-Leste (2011-2030) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Kódigu Penál (Dekretu-Lei 19/2009) |
Constitution |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Konstituisaun Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Kodigu Prosedimentu Kriminal (Dekretu Lei: 13/2005) |
Law |
Customs Authority |
Kodigu Alfandega (Dekretu Lei: 14/2017) |
Law |
Regulamentu ba Kustu no Kobransa (Dekretu Lei: 19/2003) |
Agreement |
Akordu ASEAN ba Komérsiu Merkadoria sira (ATIGA) |
Convention |
World Customs Organization |
Orientasaun sira kona-ba Dezalfandegamentu no formalidade Alfândega sira seluk (Konvensaun Kyoto – Aneksu Jerál – Kapítulu 3) |
Convention |
World Customs Organization |
Konvensaun Internasionál kona-ba Simplifikasaun no Armonizasaun Prosedimentu sira Alfândega nian (Konvensaun Kyoto Revizadu: Testu Kompletu) |
Convention |
World Customs Organization |
Deklarasaun Arusha Revizadu |
Convention |
United Nations |
Konvensaun kona-ba Priviléjiu no Imunidade husi Ajénsia Espesializada sira (1947) |
Convention |
United Nations |
Konvensaun Viena kona-ba Relasaun Konsulár sira (1963) |
Convention |
United Nations |
Konvensaun Viena kona-ba Relasaun Diplomátiku sira (1961) |
Convention |
United Nations |
Konvensaun kona-ba Priviléjiu no Imunidade sira Nasoens Unidas nian (1946) |
Agreement |
World Trade Organization |
Akordu OMK kona-ba Aplikasaun Medida sira Sanitária no Fitosanitária nian (SPS) |
Agreement |
World Trade Organization |
Akordu Fasilitasaun Komersiu (TFA) |
Publication |
Folla Informativu: Konsellu no Formasaun relasiona Indústria Marítima |
Publication |
World Customs Organization |
Folletu Informativu kona-ba Medida sira Sanitária no Fitosanitária nian (SPS) |
Publication |
World Customs Organization |
Rezumo Jestaun Risku WCO: Volume 1 |
Publication |
World Customs Organization |
Benefísiu sira husi Konvensaun Kyoto Revizadu (2010) |
Publication |
Estratéjia Kooperasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu País (2020-2025) |
Publication |
United Nations |
Testu Báziku Nasoens Unidas nian (2020) |
Publication |
United Nations |
Rezumo ASYCUDA 2020: Parseria ba Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Haforsa Kooperasaun no Integrasaun entre Indonézia no Timor-Leste: Estudu Esploratóriu (2019) |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Avaliasaun Rápida ba Reziliénsia Merkadu iha Timor-Leste (2020) |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Avaliasaun Rapida ba Rezilensia Merkadu iha Timor-Leste (2020) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Estabelese Rekijitu Mínimu sira ba Seguransa no Regulamentasaun Aplikável ba Ró sira mak Transporta Merkadoria sira ne’ebé La Kobre husi Konvensaun SOLAS 1974 (Dekretu Lei: 4/2003) |
Law |
Ministry of Health |
Servisu Autónomu ba Medikamentu no Ekipamentu sira Saúde nian (Dekretu Lei Nú.2/2004) |
Law |
Ministry of Health |
Estatutu Orgániku Ministériu Saúde (Dekretu Lei: 1/2008) |
Law |
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Orgánizasaun Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (Dekretu Lei:18/2008) |
Law |
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Alterasaun Dahuluk ba Dekretu Lei Nú.19/2019, loron 31 Jullu, ne’ebé Aprova Lei Orgánika Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (Dekretu Lei: 58/2020) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Lei Ba Prevensaun No Luta Hasoru Tráfiku Umanu No Alterasaun Dahaat Ba Kódigu Penál (Lei Nº 3 /2017) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Lei kona-ba kombate tráfiku ilísitu droga (Lei nº 2/2017) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Ajénsia ba Promosaun Investimentu no Esportasaun Timor-Leste, I.P (Dekretu Lei: 45/2015) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Sistema Autoridade Maritima (Dekretu Lei: 39/2020) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Eskema Benefísiu Fiskál sira iha Importasaun ba Automóvel husi Misaun Diplomátika no Konsulár sira no husi Sira-nia Funsionáriu (Dekretu Lei: 6/2007) |
Convention |
World Customs Organization |
Orientasaun sira kona-ba Direitu no Impostu sira (Konvensaun Kyoto – Aneksu Jerál – Kapítulu 4) |
International Standard |
World Customs Organization |
Kuadru Norma sira WCO SAFE (Edisaun 2018) |
Diploma |
Ministry of Transport and Communications |
Regulamentu Internu husi Autoridade Aviasaun Sivíl Timor-Leste, IP (AACTL, IP) (Diploma Ministeriál: 29/GMTC/X/2018) |
Diploma |
Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry |
Regulamentu Orgániku ba Ministeriu Turismu, Komersiu no Industria (Diploma Ministeriál: 52/2019) |
Diploma |
Ministry of Interior |
Estrutura Orgániku Funsionál ba Ministériu Interiór (Diploma Ministeriál Nú. 28/2021) |
Diploma |
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Estrutura Orgánika Funsionál ba Diresaun Jerál Agrikultura husi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (Diploma Ministeriál Nú. 1/2020) |
Diploma |
Customs Authority |
Aplikasaun husi rejime lagais ba pagamentu juru de mora no juru kompensatoriu iha alfandega (Diploma Ministerial: 6/2021) |
Diploma |
Customs Authority |
Tipu husi kustu no kobransa sira ne'ebe tenki selu ba atendimentu ne'ebe fo husi Autoridade Aduaneiru no montante respetivu (Diploma Ministerial: 5/2021) |
Diploma |
Customs Authority |
Tarifa Alfandega Timor-Leste (Diploma Ministerial: 12/2020) |
Convention |
World Customs Organization |
Orientasaun sira kona-ba Informasaun, Desizaun no Regra sira Fornesidu husi Alfándega (Konvensaun Kyoto – Aneksu Jerál – Kapítulu 9) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Hetan Vistu Vizita no Vistu Tranzitu bainhira To'o iha Timor-Leste (Dekretu Lei: 5/2010) |
Law |
Tax Authority |
Lei Tributária (Lei Nú 8/2008) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Aprova Lei Orgánika Ministériu Interiór no halo alterasaun daruak ba Dekretu Lei Nú. 9/2009, Lei Orgánika Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), no alterasaun daruak ba Dekretu Lei Nú.2009, Lei Orgánika Servisu Migrasaun nian (Dekretu Lei Nú. 47/2020) |
Law |
Servisu Rejistu no Verifikasaun Emprezariál (SERVE) (Dekretu Lei: 35/2012) |
Law |
Scientific and Criminal Investigation Police |
Alterasaun Dahuluk ba Dekretu Lei Nú. 15/2014, loron 14 Maiu (Orgánika Polísia Sientífika no Investigasaun Kriminál) (Dekretu Lei: 21/2014) |
Law |
Scientific and Criminal Investigation Police |
Estrutura ba Polísia Sientífika no Investigasaun Kriminál nian (Dekretu-Lei nº 15 /2014) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Migrasaun no Azilu (Lei: 11/2017) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Lei Orgánika Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) (Dekretu Lei: 8/2014) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Rejime Jurídiku ba Importasaun, Produsaun, Komérsiu, Propriedade no utilizasaun Arma Branka (Dekretu-Lei: 30 /2014) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Importasaun, Transporte, Armazenamentu no Utilizasaun Produtu Esplozivu sira ba Atividade sira Konstrusaun Sivíl, Petrolífera no Minerais (Dekretu Lei: 7/2020) |
Law |
Ministry of Health |
Lei kona-ba Importasaun Farmaséutika nian (Dekretu Lei: 12/2004) |
Law |
Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste |
Rejime Jurídiku ba Pasaporte (Dekretu Lei: 44/2008) |
Law |
Ministry of Transport and Communications |
Kondisaun no Prosedimentu sira mak atu Observa Relativamente ba Importasaun Veíkulu Motór sira (Dekretu Lei: 30/2011) |
Law |
Ministry of Transport and Communications |
Lei Baze ba Sistema Transporte Rodoviáriu nian (Dekretu Lei: 2/2003) |
Law |
Ministry of Transport and Communications |
Lei Orgánika Ministériu Obras Públika, transporte no Komunikasaun (Dekretu Lei: 20/2016) |
Law |
Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry |
Dispozisaun, Importasaun no Produsaun ba Saku, Embalajen no Objetu sira Seluk husi Plástiku (Dekretu Lei: 37/2020) |
Law |
Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry |
Orgánizasaun Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (Dekretu Lei: 12/2019) |
Law |
Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry |
Alterasaun Dahuluk ba Dekretu Lei Nú.12/2019, loron 14 Juñu, kona-ba Lei Orgánika Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (Dekretu Lei: 66/2020) |
Law |
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources |
Institutu Petróleu no Jeolojia – Institutu Públiku (IPG) (Dekretu Lei: 33/2012) |
Law |
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources |
Lei ba Setór Downstream (Dekretu Lei: 1/2012) |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Ezemplu husi Nota Sai |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba Manual Deskaregamentu Kona-ba Fatura Tula Sasan husi Manifestu ASYCUDA World |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba Admisaun Temporariu ba Sasan Uza Carnet (2020) |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba Transferensia Kontentor entre Area Kontrolu Alfândega nian |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba Transferensia Kontentor entre Area Kontrolu Alfândega nian |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Estrutura Organizasaun AA (Dekretu Lei 2_2020) |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Rejimentu no Padraun ba Atendimentu Kliente Autoridade Aduaneira (2021) |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba IT4 Liberasaun Bagajen Akompaña Viajante ne'ebe Kona Impostu |
Publication |
World Bank |
Relatoriu Ekonomia Timor-Leste: Trasa Dalan Foun (maio 2021) |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
Autoridade Alfándega Planu Estratéjiku |
Law |
Trade Invest |
Regulamentu kona-ba Prosedimentu Investimentu Privadu (Dekretu Nú: 2 /2018) |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Ezemplu husi Avizu Avaliasaun |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Ezemplo DAU - Declaração Aduaneira Única |
Resolution |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Adiamentu ba pagamentu direitu aduaneiru sira no impozisaun sira seluk ba merkadoria sira ne’ebé ho doasaun ba Estadu no sosa husi Estadu (Rezolusaun Governu Nú. 1/2018) |
Resolution |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Adota Sistema Informátiku ASYCUDA World nu’udar Plataforma ba Implementasaun Janela Únika Eletrónika Timor-Leste nian (Rezolusaun Governu Nú. 24/2017) |
Resolution |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Lisensiamentu Exesionál no Temporáriu ba Infraestrutura Portu nian ba Cement Timor Trading, SA no Portu Lai-Ara Unipesoál, Limitada, ba Operasaun sira Importasaun no Armazenamentu Kombustível nian (Rezolusaun Governu Nú. 21/2017) |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Dekretu Lei 07/2020 |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Dekretu Lei 08/2008 |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Kontrolu importasaun no esportasaun ba substansia sira ne’ebe estraga kamada ozonu (36/2012) |
Law |
Trade Invest |
Lei Investimentu Privadu (Lei: 15/2017) |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Avaliasaun Lista Verifikasaun Alfândega ba Entrepostu |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
Tarifa Jerál Portu Timor S.A. |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Rejime Tarifa Asosiasaun ho Uza Porto Tibar no Servisu Asosiasaun Sira (Deklarasaun Retifikasaun: 19/2021) |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Matadalan Auto Avaliasaun ba Operasional Area Armazen Temporariu iha Kontrolu Alfândega nian |
Form |
Pedidu Lisensa Komersiu (inklui mos renovasaun) |
Plan |
Customs Authority |
Planu Komunikasaun Autoridade Aduaneiru no Involvementu Parseiru (2021-2023) |
Plan |
Customs Authority |
Planu Monitorizasaun Evaluasaun Portal Komersial Autoridade Aduaneiru 2021-2023 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba Prosesu Liberasaun Importasaun iha Portu Dili no area seluk iha Dili 2021 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasional ba Prosesu Liberasaun Esportasaun iha Portu Dili no area seluk iha Dili 2021 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Klaramentu Importasaun Kustomu ba Mala Diplomátiku husi Misaun Diplomátiku akreditadu 2020 |
Procedure |
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Rekizitus Kuarentena nian ba importasaun sasan |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Avaliasaun Lista Verifikasaun Alfândega ba Armazen Temporariu |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Planu Rekuperasaun Ekonomika iha Timor-Leste (agosto 2020) |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
Estudu Liberasaun Tempu Autoridade Aduaneira nian iha tinan 2019 |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Matadalan Auto Avaliasaun ba Operasional Entrepostu |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Aplikasaun ba Lisensa Entrepostu ka Renovasaun Lisensa |
Policy |
Customs Authority |
Entrepostu Aduaneiro (Produtus Jerais no ikus) Dispozisaun Legais sira |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Formulariu Aplikasaun ba Lisensa Armazen Temporariu |
Agreement |
Regra Lisensiamentu Operasional ba Area Armazen Temporariu iha Kontrolu Alfândega nian- 2019 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Regra Lisensiamentu no Operasional ba Entrepostu ba Sasan Jeral no Sasan Excisavel ne'ebe Remata ona - 2019 |
Procedure |
Ministry of Finance |
Ezemplu de pedidu liberasaun nian |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Alterasaun dahuluk ba kodigu Aduaneira (Dekretu-Lei n.º 14/2017) |
Publication |
World Bank |
Relatoriu ekonomiku Timor-Leste nian - Dezembru 2022 |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Termu Aprovasaun Referensia Komite Konsultivu Komersiu Alfandega |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu exportansaun aprovadu ba Portu Baia Tibar |
Plan |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Planu Estratejiku tinan 5 nian |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Dekretu Lei 07/2020 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Numeru DNFM |
Law |
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries |
Dekretu Lei 1/2006 |
Manual |
Customs Authority |
Manual SQTL |
Diploma |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Diploma Ministerial Nu. 51/2021, data 21 Jullu, Estrutura -Organiku Funsional ba Autoridade Aduaneira |
Resolution |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Adosaun ba Regras Deklarasaun Arusha Organização Mundial Alfândegas (Rezolusaun Governo: 42/2016) |
Circular |
World Bank |
Protokolu Kooperasaun entre Autoridade Aduaneiru no Banku Sentral Timor-Leste |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Deklarasaun Autoridade Aduaneira |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Dekretu Lei 8/2008 |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu importasaun iha Portu Baia Tibar |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Buletin hosi AA - Setembru 2022 |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Buletin hosi AA - Agustu 2022 |
Publication |
Ministry of Finance |
Ordem Ministériu Finansas Númeru.26/VIII/GM-MF/2021-09 |
Law |
Customs Authority |
Dekretu - Lei Nu. 64/2022, data 31 Agostu, Amandamentu primeiru ba Dekretu-Lei nu. 30/2011, data 27 Jullu, Kondisaun no Prosedimentu sira atu Observa kona-ba importasaun Motor Veikulu sira |
Posters |
Customs Authority |
Mapa ba Prosesu Esportasaun iha Portu Baia Tibar |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Rekizisaun Misáu Diplomátiku ba Despachu Alfandegáriu ba Malu Diplomátiku |
Posters |
Customs Authority |
Feto Sira Prontu atu Lidera |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Importasaun Temporáriu ba Veíkulu: Matadalan Etapa ba Etapa Viajante |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Autoridade Aduaneira: Matadalan Badak Kona-ba Ami nia Organizasaun, Papél no Responsabilidade |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Impostu no Taxa Importasaun ba 2023: Matadalan Badak kona-ba Impostu Alfândega, Taxa Konsumu no Taxa Venda |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Liberasaun Alfândega ba Mala Diplomátiku: Matadalan Etapa ba Etapa ba Misaun Diplomátiku Akreditadu |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Esporta Sasan liu husi Portu Baía Tibar: Matadalan Etapa-ba-Etapa ba Esportador sira |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Importa Merkadorias liu husi Portu Baia Tibar: Guia ba Importador sira |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Deklara Sasan ne’ebe Liu iha Aeroportu: Matadalan Etapa-ba-Etapa ba Viajante |
Circular |
Buletin Notisia Projetu Janela Única Electrônica Timor-Leste - Edisaun 1 - Desembru 2022 |
Customs Authority |
Laos Buat Hotu-Hotu ne´ebe ita halo tenki uniku |
Customs Authority |
Buat Hotu Hahú iha Ne´e |
Customs Authority |
Armazén Ligadu |
Customs Authority |
Pasu 3 Fasil Liu |
Customs Authority |
Portal Komérsiu no Alfandega |
Customs Authority |
Linã Apoiu |
Circular |
Ministry of Finance |
Taxa Foun Impostu Seletivu Konsumu nian |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Prosesu Importasaun Mapa ba Portu Tibar Bay |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan 2023 (Lei 15/2022) |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Transferénsia no Liberasaun Interno ba Kontentór iha Armazén-2023 |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Boletin Trimestral. Jullu-Setembru 2023 |
Customs Authority |
Koalia dala ida tan |
Publication |
Asian Development Bank |
Timor-Leste, 2023 - 2027. Estratejia ba Rekuperasaun Ekonomika, Inkluziva Dezenvolvimentu no Rezilensia Klimatika |
Publication |
United Nations |
Timor-Leste, Relatoriu Rezultadu 2022 |
Agreement |
World Bank |
Dezafiu husi Fasilitasaun ba Komersiante Feto no Ajentes Envia sasan nian |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Programa IX Governu Konstitusional |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Boletim Informativu trimestral CA Abril – Juñu 2023 |
Customs Authority |
Dolar ida deit |
Customs Authority |
Tamba sa hein |
Customs Authority |
Maibe Hau Mos Importa |
Customs Authority |
Hamutuk! |
Customs Authority |
Joga tuir regra ne'e nafatin |
Customs Authority |
Laos Nu’u Deit |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
PPO – Lisensiamentu ba Deklarante Privadu 2023 |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Aplikasaun lisensamentu ba Deklarante Privadu - Importador/Esportador |
Form |
Customs Authority |
Aplikasaun lisensamentu ba Deklarante Privadu – Misaun Diplomátiku |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Dekretu-Lei Foun Nu. 2/2023, Subsídiu no Suplementu ba Traballador sira iha Postu Fronteira Integradu no Postu Alfândega |
Customs Authority |
Xegada Liu Husi Tasi |
Customs Authority |
Saída Liu Husi Tasi |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Orden Liberasaun ba Esportasaun – Parte A |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Broker Alfândega iha Timor-Leste. Matadalan etapa-ba-etapa |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Regime Jerál Lejislativu ba Komérsiu Eletrónika no Asinatura Eletrónika – Dekretu-Lei 12/2024 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Komité Jestaun Fronteira Memorandum Kompriensaun Entre-Ajénsia (MoU) no Termus Referénsia – 2023 |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Boletin Trimestral. Out-Dez 2023 |
Customs Authority |
Deklarante Privadu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Konfirmasaun Inspesaun ba Veikulu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Rekijitu ba Devolusaun Kontentor hafoin Inspesaun Aduaneira |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Orden Liberasaun Parte A |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Rekizitu ba Inspesaun Aduaneira ba Kontentor |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
NOTA SAÍDA ba Fronteira/Terminál Aeroportu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu Liberasaun Rezerva Ba Importasaun/Esportasaun (RIE - 2023) |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Regra Lisensiamentu No Operasaun Ba Despaxante Alfândega. Aplikante Nia Auto-Avaliasaun |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Programa Lisensiamentu Despaxante Alfândega - 2023 Mapa Estrada |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Polítika no Regra ba Kompañia Despaxante Lisensiadu Alfândega 2023 Sumáriu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Padraun Prosedimentu Operasionál (PPO) ba: Regra Lisensiamentu no Operasaun Despaxante Alfândega – 2023 |
Customs Authority |
Ajuda Ita nia Broker Alfandega |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Amendamentu dahuluk ba Lei Númeru 15/2022 - Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba Tinan 2023 |
Publication |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Estatístika Negósiu Eksternu Ministeriu Finansa - Agostu 2023 |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
SOP-Prosedimentu Simplifikadu Kona-ba Liberasaun Importasaun Sasan Komersiál Liuhusi Postu Fronteira Terrestre No Aeroportu-Aprovadu |
Publication |
Deklarasaun Konjunta Reuniaun Konselu Komunidade Sósio-Kultural ASEAN nian ba dala-32 |
Law |
Government of Timor-Leste |
Dekretu-Lei Núm. 89_2023 Lei Lisensa Setorial ba Atividade Komérsiu Portuguese: |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Klaramentu Eksportasaun Kustomu ba Mala Diplomátiku husi Misaun Diplomátiku akreditadu 2024 |
Publication |
Relatóriu Nasionál FMI Núm. 24/56: Konsulta Artigu IV Timor-Leste 2023 |
Publication |
Relatóriu Nasionál BTI 2024 Timor-Leste |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
Vizaun no Estratéjia Timor-Leste Pós-Adezaun 2024 2031 |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Boletim Trimestral CA Apr - Jun 2024 |
Customs Authority |
ePagamentu Video |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
Folhetu kona-ba ePagamentu |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Komité Jestaun Fronteira – Matadalan Badak |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
SOP-Prosedimentu Simplifikadu Kona-ba Liberasaun Eksportasaun Sasan Komersiál Liuhusi Postu Fronteira Terrestre No Aeroportu-Aprovadu |
Customs Authority |
Despaxante Aduaneiru |
Publication |
United Nations |
Programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál Unidas: Relatóriu Rejionál Dezenvolvimentu Umanu 2024: Hadi'ak Ami nia Futuru - Direção Foun ba Dezenvolvimentu Umanu iha Ázia no Pasífiku, Relatóriu Ekonomia Timor-Leste husi Banku Mundiál - Foin Hala'o Funksaun: Kria Setór Finansiál Estável, Inclusivu no Reziliente (Janeiru 2024) |
Publication |
World Bank |
Relatóriu Ekonomia Timor-Leste husi Banku Mundiál - Foin Hala'o Funksaun: Kria Setór Finansiál Estável, Inclusivu no Reziliente (Janeiru 2024), Regime Jerál Lejislativu ba Komérsiu Eletrónika no Asinatura Eletrónika – Dekretu-Lei 12/2024 |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Deklarante Privadu – Matadalan etapa-ba-etapa |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu Rezerva Importasaun no Esportasaun. Matadalan etapa-ba-etapa |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Komité Konsultivu Alfândega no Komérsiu. Matadalan Badak |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Estrutura Orgânika Autoridade Aduaneira (Dekretu-Lei: 2/2020). Matadalan Badak |
Booklets |
Customs Authority |
Kódigu Alfândega (Dekretu-Lei: 14/2017 no 87/2022). Matadalan Badak |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu Liberasaun Importasaun liuhosi Fronteira Rai no Aeroportu |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu Liberasaun Ekportasaun liuhosi Fronteira Rai no Aeroportu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Boletin Trimesterál CA Jullu-Setembru 2024 |
Customs Authority |
Pontu Inquéritu Nasionál |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
SOP Auditoria Interna |
Publication |
Customs Authority |
SOP Equipa Padrão Profisionál |
Procedure |
Customs Authority |
Aplikasaun husi Jestaun ba Liberasaun Merkadoria iha Timor-Leste - 2019 |
Customs Authority |
Prosedimentu Rezerva ba Importasaun Esportasaun |
Customs Authority |
Mala Diplomátika |
Customs Authority |
Kódigu Étika ASDATIL |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Asosiasaun Despaxante Aduaneira Timor-Leste – \\\\\\\"Kódigo Étika\\\\\\\" 2024 |
Customs Authority |
Koñese Komiáriu |
Circular |
Customs Authority |
Boletin Trimestral Outubru – Dezembru 2024 |