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Document Database

Making sure that you understand and follow the correct rules and regulations when importing or exporting goods is important. In addition to customs related documents, we have included relevant laws, procedures or conventions that may apply to other government agencies or relevant international organizations.

Type Agency Description TT PT EN ID
Law APORTIL 1st Amendment to Decree-Law no. 19/2003, of 8 October (Timor-Leste Ports Tariff Regulation) (Decree Law: 28/2015) kq54e
Law APORTIL Regulation of Port Fees and Charges (Decree Law: 19/2003) ay3hh
Law Customs Authority Customs Code (Decree Law: 14/2017) 7r4ua
Constitution Government of Timor-Leste Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste q57s5
Law Government of Timor-Leste Penal Code of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (Decree Law: 19/2009) mw1qh
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Criminal Procedure Code (Decree Law: 13/2005) cuzea
Publication Ministry of Finance Timor-Leste Strategic Plan (2011-2030) nzi0
Law APORTIL Establishment of the Port Authority and the Approval of the By Laws (Decree Law: 03/2003) yu8i2
Publication Asian Development Bank ADB: Country Operations Business Plan – Timor-Leste (2021-2023) 4gxkz
Publication Asian Development Bank ADB: Trade and Maritime Transport Trends in the Pacific tzv9o
Law Commission for Anti-Corruption Law on Anti-corruption Measures (Law: 7/2020) d3400
Circular Customs Authority Directory of Customs Brokers 7z7zq
Circular Customs Authority List of goods that may require some level of regulatory control by the Direção Nacional da Farmacia e Medicamentos 2yrwl
Circular Customs Authority Customs Hotline Poster vpos9
Booklets Customs Authority A Brief Guide on Commercial Invoices, Incoterms and the Harmonized System p2vmm
Booklets Customs Authority Harmonized System: A Comprehensive Guide for Customs Brokers and Businesses in Timor-Leste fj2gk
Publication ASEAN ASEAN in Business Survey Report (2020) 6lqtq
Publication GIZ Fact Sheet: Advice and Training on Maritime Related Industry ujsgb
Publication Government of Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Rapid Market Resilience Assessment (2020) 25poc
Publication Government of Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Rapid Market Resilience Assessment (2020) gthoh
Publication Government of Timor-Leste Enhanced Cooperation and Integration between Indonesia and Timor-Leste: Scoping Study (2019) w2v51
Publication United Nations ASYCUDA Compendium 2020: Partnerships for Sustainable Development lmn6k
Publication United Nations United Nations Basic Texts (2020) u308a
Publication USAID Country Development Cooperation Strategy (2020-2025) kgkwz
Publication World Customs Organization Benefits of the Revised Kyoto Convention (2010) 324tm
Publication World Customs Organization WCO Risk Management Compendium: Volume 1 oqij6
Publication World Customs Organization Information booklet on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) bgq2f
Agreement ASEAN ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) vfnq1
Agreement World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) yhv22
Agreement World Trade Organization WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) q068a
Convention United Nations Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (1946) xzcma
Convention United Nations Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) io21a
Convention United Nations Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963) anrkn
Convention United Nations Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialised Agencies (1947) zvfea
Convention World Customs Organization Revised Arusha Declaration b4lcg
Convention World Customs Organization International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (Revised Kyoto Convention: Full Text) n91hq
Convention World Customs Organization Guidelines on Clearance and other Customs formalities (Kyoto Convention – General Annex – Chapter 3) nogzq
Convention World Customs Organization Guidelines on Duties and Taxes (Kyoto Convention – General Annex – Chapter 4) umg50
Convention World Customs Organization Guidelines on Information, Decisions and Rulings Supplied by Customs (Kyoto Convention – General Annex – Chapter 9) dj7tp
Diploma Customs Authority Customs Tariff of Timor-Leste (Ministerial Diploma: 12/2020) hwksz
Diploma Customs Authority Types of fees and charges due for services provided by the Customs Authority and respective amounts (Ministerial Diploma: 5/2021) sv9pe
Diploma Customs Authority Application of statutory regimes for late payment interest and compensatory interest within customs (Ministerial Diploma: 6/2021) 8jtbk
Diploma Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Functional Organic Structure of the Directorate-General for Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Diploma: 1/2020) fc3yr
Diploma Ministry of Interior Organic-Functional Structure of the Ministry of the Interior (Ministerial Diploma: 28/2021) fsq3p
Diploma Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry Organic Regulation of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry (Ministerial Diploma: 52/2019) rq65i
Diploma Ministry of Transport and Communications Internal Regulations of the Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste, IP (AACTL, IP) (Ministerial Diploma: 29/GMTC/X/2018) ugh0a
International Standard World Customs Organization WCO SAFE Framework of Standards (2018 Edition) jss3x
Law Government of Timor-Leste Establishes the Minimum Safety and Regulatory Requirements Applicable to Ships Transporting Goods Not Covered by the 1974 SOLAS Convention (Decree Law: 4/2003) g2diw
Law Government of Timor-Leste Tax Benefit Schemes on Car Imports by Diplomatic and Consular Missions and Their Employees (Decree Law: 6/2007) c1rtv
Law Government of Timor-Leste Maritime Authority System (Decree Law: 39/2020) gta4s
Law Government of Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Investment and Export Promotion Agency IP (Decree Law: 45/2015) s6zcd
Law Government of Timor-Leste Law to Combat Illicit Drug Trafficking (Law No. 2/2017) ue1x1
Law Government of Timor-Leste Law on Prevention and Fight against Trafficking in Persons and Fourth Amendment to the Penal Code (Law No. 3/2017) a4fm8
Law Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries First amendment to Decree-Law no 19/2019, of July 31, which approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Decree Law: 58/2020) og12i
Law Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Decree Law: 18/2008) ttdmh
Law Ministry of Health Organic Statute of the Ministry of Health (Decree Law: 1/2008) r6sno
Law Ministry of Health Autonomous Drug and Medical Equipment Service (Decree: 02/2004) c4sth
Law Ministry of Health Law on the Importation of Pharmaceuticals (Decree Law: 12/2004) io87s
Law Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Downstream Sector Law (Decree Law: 01/2012) gfrwo
Law Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Institute of Petroleum and Geology (Decree Law: 33/2012) nz3qq
Law Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry First amendment to Decree-Law no. 12/2019, of June 14, on the Organic Law of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry (Decree Law: 66/2020) 1fgjb
Law Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry Organization of the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry (Decree Law: 12/2019) a801a
Law Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry Disposal, Import and Production of Bags, Packaging and Other Objects of Plastic (Decree Law: 37/2020) cgzjm
Law Ministry of Transport and Communications Organic Law of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (Decree Law: 20/2016) vpf29
Law Ministry of Transport and Communications Basic Law of the Road Transport System (Decree Law: 2/2003) iu089
Law Ministry of Transport and Communications Conditions and Procedures to Observe Regarding the Import of Motor Vehicles (Decree Law: 30/2011) 21mo1
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Juridical Regime for Passports (Decree Law: 44/2008) 7qisa
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Granting of Visit Visas and Transit Visas on Arrival in Timor-Leste (Decree Law: 5/2010) 8gq8h
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Import, Transport, Storage and Use of Explosive Products for Civil, Petroleum and Mineral Construction Activities (Decree Law: 7/2020) pis99
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Legal regime for the import, production, trade, possession and use of bladed weapons (Decree Law: 30/2014) vtx23
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Organic Law of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) (Decree Law: 8/2014) tooj8
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Migration and Asylum (Law: 11/2017) pia8s
Law Scientific and Criminal Investigation Police Structure of the Scientific and Criminal Investigation Police (Decree Law: 15/2014) ad3o7
Law Scientific and Criminal Investigation Police 1st Amendment to Decree-Law no. 15/2014, of 14 May (Organic of the Scientific Police and Criminal Investigation) (Decree Law: 21/2014) wntj2
Law SERVE Business Registration and Verification of Service (Decree Law: 35/2012) kby6i
Law Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste Approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of the Interior and makes the second amendment to Decree-Law no. 9/2009 Organic Law of the PNTL, and the second amendment to Decree-Law no. 2009 Organic Law of the Migration Service (Decree Law: 47/2020) bmhgg
Law Tax Authority Taxes and Duties Act (Decree Law: 8/2008) zz7xd
Law Trade Invest Regulation Of Procedures For Private Investment (Decree No: 2/2018) p0q8f
Law Trade Invest Private Investment Law (Law: 15/2017) 5r0h0
Resolution Government of Timor-Leste Exceptional and temporary licensing of the Port Infrastructure of Cement Timor Trading, SA and the Port of Lai-Ara Unipessoal, Limitada, for Fuel Import and Storage Operations (Government Resolution: 21/2017) 2txrj
Resolution Government of Timor-Leste Adopts the ASYCUDA World Computer System as a Platform for the Implementation of the Single Electronic Window of Timor-Leste (Government Resolution: 24/2017) rikxy
Resolution Government of Timor-Leste Deferral of payment of customs duties and other charges for goods donated to the State and acquired by the State (Government Resolution: 1/2018) u61f2
Booklets Customs Authority Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System: Guided Learning Booklet for Customs Brokers in Timor-Leste 3n75t
Booklets Customs Authority Complying with Regulations: A brief guide on how doing so will benefit your business 4437s
Booklets Customs Authority Bonded Warehouses and Temporary Storage Facilities: A Brief Guide for New Applicants 3nco9
Procedure Customs Authority Example of DAU – Declaração Aduaneira Única 1o8gh
Procedure Customs Authority Example of Assessment Notice kahy8
Procedure Customs Authority Example of Exit Note 3irct
Publication Customs Authority Customs Authority Strategic Plan fubta
Publication World Bank Timor-Leste Economic Report: Charting a New Path (May 2021) yjiku
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Clearance of Duitable Goods in Travelers Accompanied Baggage 2s1u9
Booklets Customs Authority Customs Authority Client Service Charter and Standards (2021) wvo44
Circular Customs Authority CA Organizational Chart (Decree Law 2_2020) zovma
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Container Transfer between Customs Controlled Areas 85m24
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Provisional Declaration for COVID-19 Vaccines – 2021 2x6nl
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Temporary Admission of Goods Using a Carnet (2020) yi3i2
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Manual Acquittal of Bills of Lading from the ASYCUDA World Manifest 7yrj6
Procedure Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Quarantine Requirements for Importation of Goods n1v08
Procedure Customs Authority Licensing and Operational Rules for Bonded Warehousing for General Goods and Finished Excisable Goods -2019 wv6b9
Agreement APORTIL Licensing Operation Rules for Temporary Storage Areas Under Customs Control-2019 5r9q
Form Customs Authority Application Form for Temporary Storage Licence nr2el
Policy Customs Authority Customs Bonded Warehouse (General and Finished Excise Goods) Legal Provisions 7ix78
Form Customs Authority Application for a Bonded Warheouse License or Renewal of License 6olwe
Form Customs Authority Self Assessment Guide for Operating a Bonded Warehouse 5jmhr
Publication Customs Authority Customs Authority Time Release Study 2019 ctn9f
Publication Government of Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Economic Recovery Plan (August 2020) ucuos
Procedure Customs Authority Customs Assessment Check List for Temporary Storage kzd5c
Procedure Customs Authority Customs Assessment Check List for Bonded Warehouses rdth3
Procedure Customs Authority Customs Import Clearence of the Diplomatic Bag from Accredited Diplomatic Missions 2020 dk1ol
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Export clearance Process for Dili Seaport and other Dili areas 2021 gp44r
Procedure Customs Authority Standard Operating Procedure for Streamlined Import Clearance Process for Dili Seaport and other Dili areas 2021 6ebtu
Plan Customs Authority Customs Autority Customs Trade Portal Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 2021-2023 6vcn9
Plan Customs Authority Customs Authority Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (2021-2023) b0rrs
Form SERVE Application for Business License (including renewal) otwdh
Form Customs Authority Self Assessment Guide for Operating a Temporary Storage Area Under Customs Control xwpxm
Publication Customs Authority Timor Port S.A. General Tariff e5fpb
Publication Customs Authority Declaration of Rectification No. 19/2021 kzojp
Diploma Government of Timor-Leste Ministerial Diploma No. 51/2021 of 21 July, Organic-functional structure of the Customs Authority 5q6ni
Law Customs Authority Decree-Law No. 64/2022 of 31 August, First amendment to Decree-Law no. 30/2011, of 27 July, Conditions and Procedures to Observe Regarding the Import of Motor Vehicles kzd0r
Publication Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance Order No. 26/ VIII/GM-MF/2021-09 dzmuk
Circular Customs Authority CA Newsletter – August 2022 tsb5v
Circular Customs Authority CA Newsletter – September 2022 zjkq4
Circular Customs Authority Tibar Bay Port Import Procedure rzgmv
Law Government of Timor-Leste Decree Law 8/2008 k8v7u
Form Customs Authority Customs Authority Declaration 3f08n
Resolution Government of Timor-Leste Adoption of the Rules of the Revised Arusha Declaration World Customs Organization (Government Resolution: 42/2016)  3kv1f
Procedure Ministry of Finance Example of release order  7ow19
Manual Customs Authority SQTL Manual  virrr
Law Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Decree Law 1/2006  77bq
Procedure Customs Authority DNFM Numbers 2lx11
Law Government of Timor-Leste Decree Law 07/2020 u60gs
Plan Government of Timor-Leste 5-years Strategic Plan zeuyp
Law Government of Timor-Leste Decree Law 08/2008 8da7z
Law Government of Timor-Leste Decree Law 07/2020  y6njw
Circular World Bank Cooperation protocol between the Customs Authority and the Central Bank of Timor-Leste 5ujss
Publication Government of Timor-Leste Control of imports and exports of substances that deplete the ozone layer (36/2012) y23zq
Procedure Customs Authority Approved export procedure for Tibar Bay Port j27cp
Circular Customs Authority Approved terms of Reference for the Customs Trade Consultative Committee ktuck
Publication World Bank Timor-Leste Economic Report – December 2022 tgsnk
Law Government of Timor-Leste First Amendment to the Customs Code (Decree-Law No. 14/2017) 1lggb
Circular UNCTAD Timor-Leste Electronic Single Window Project Newsletter – Issue 1 – December 2022 x67bf
Law Government of Timor-Leste General State Budget for 2023 (Law 15/2022) mbpbr
Procedure Customs Authority Import Process Map for Tibar Bay Port 6391q
Circular Ministry of Finance New Excise Tax Rates 6ha8f
PSA Customs Authority Customs Hotline utzen
PSA Customs Authority Customs Trade Portal 6z2in
PSA Customs Authority 3 Easy Steps 3jqo7
PSA Customs Authority Bonded Warehouses eow2e
PSA Customs Authority It all Starts Here ld5c4
PSA Customs Authority Not Everything We Do Should be Unique sv9cw
Posters Customs Authority Export Process Map for Tibar Bay Port hikdm
Booklets Customs Authority Importing Goods through Tibar Bay Port – A Step-by-step Guide for Importers 10zwe
Booklets Customs Authority Exporting Goods through Tibar Bay Port – A Step-by-step Guide for Exporters ek2g8
Booklets Customs Authority Customs Authority: A Brief Guide on Our Organization, Our Roles, and Our Responsibilities 7v2vs
Posters Customs Authority Women Are Ready to Lead mek72
Circular Customs Authority Diplomatic Mission Request for Customs Clearance of Diplomatic Bag 61vvh
Booklets Customs Authority Declaring Excess Goods at the Airport: A Step-by-step Guide for Travelers gmt45
Booklets Customs Authority Customs Clearance of Diplomatic Bags – A Step-by-step Guide for Accredited Diplomatic Missions 2kxmh
Booklets Customs Authority Import Duties and Taxes for 2023: A Brief Guide on Customs Duty, Excise Tax and Sales Tax ftr5r
Booklets Customs Authority Temporary Importation of Vehicles: A Step-by-step Guide for Travelers tlwa4
PSA Customs Authority Departures By Sea h2wgj
PSA Customs Authority Arrivals by Sea rad0g
PSA Customs Authority But I do Care whqim
Publication Government of Timor-Leste New Decree Law No 2/2023, Subsidy and Supplements for Workers at Integrated Borders and Customs Posts jpnwp
Form Customs Authority Application for licensing for private declarant – Diplomatic Missions vhsed
Form Customs Authority Application for licensing for private declarant – Importers/ Exporters bi1eu
Procedure Customs Authority SOP – Licensing for Private Declarants 2023 fo0de
PSA Customs Authority Not Just a Coconut 8h84m
PSA Customs Authority Playing by the Rules rw4pi
PSA Customs Authority Together! botis
Circular Customs Authority Inland Clearance Depot Container Transfer and Clearance-2023 z5osp
PSA Customs Authority Why Wait i7e4q
PSA Customs Authority It’s Only $1 5ddkr
Circular Customs Authority Customs Quarterly newsletter April – June 2023 obn83
Publication Government of Timor-Leste Program of the IX Constitutional Government qz414
Agreement World Bank Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders and Freight Forwarders ymvan
Publication United Nations Results Report 2022, Timor-Leste ck0rx
Publication Asian Development Bank Timor-Leste, 2023 – 2027. A Strategy for Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development, and Climate Resilience h3uui
PSA Customs Authority Say that Again fbz4w
Circular Customs Authority Quarterly Newsletter. July-Sept 2023 hawcd
Publication Government of Timor-Leste 120 DAYS OF COMMITMENTS IX CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT x6iys
Publication Government of Timor-Leste MoF External Trade Statistics – August 2023 5i19m
Publication Government of Timor-Leste First amendment to Law no. 15/2022 – General State Budget for 2023 vebnb
PSA Customs Authority Helping your Customs Broker 635vz
Circular Customs Authority Stardard Operating Procedure (SOP) for: Customs Broker Licensing and Operation Rules – 2023 2v2y6
Circular Customs Authority Licensed Customs Brokers Policy and Business Rules 2023 Summary md0xx
Circular Customs Authority Customs Brokers Licensing Program – 2023 Road Map rwoa3
Circular Customs Authority Licensing And Operation Rules For Customs Brokers. Applicant’s Self Assessment c5pef
Circular Customs Authority Import/Export Fallback (IEF) Clearence Procedure – 2023 hwe3
Circular Customs Authority Land Border/Airport EXIT NOTE 1ret
Circular Customs Authority Export Release Order – Part A 8wo41
Circular Customs Authority Customs Request For Inspection Of Container vnl3a
Circular Customs Authority Release Order Part A csoi3
Circular Customs Authority Customs Request For Return of Container After Inspection e26yn
Circular Customs Authority Vehicle Inspection Confirmation ytw3o
PSA Customs Authority Private Declarants rb4ox
Circular Customs Authority CA Quarterly Newsletter. Oct-Dec 2023 xr9xa
Procedure Customs Authority Border Management Committee Inter-agency Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Terms of Reference – 2023 t2qy1
Law Government of Timor-Leste General Legal Regime for Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signatures-Decree-Law 12/2024 6ldn8
Booklets Customs Authority Customs Broker in Timor-Leste – Step-by-step Guide szi8t
Booklets Customs Authority Border Management Committee – A Brief Guide 7u2o
Booklets Customs Authority Customs Code (Decree-Laws:14/2017 and 87/2022) – A Brief Guide hiifu
Booklets Customs Authority Organic Structure of the Customs Authority (Decree-Law:2/2020) – A Brief Guide vdmmz
Booklets Customs Authority Customs and Trade Consultative Committee – A Brief Guide f3eoi
Booklets Customs Authority Import and Export Fallback Procedure – A Step-by-step Guide d9y14
Booklets Customs Authority Private Declarants – A Step-by-step Guide 3sm09
Publication World Bank World Bank Timor-Leste Economic Report – Fit for Purpose: Crafting a Stable, Inclusive and Resilient Financial Sector (January 2024), General Legal Regime for Electronic Commerce and Electronic Signatures-Decree-Law 12/2024 6s1at
Publication United Nations United Nations Development Programme: 2024 Regional Human Development Report: Making Our Future – New Directions for Human Development in Asia and the Pacific, World Bank Timor-Leste Economic Report – Fit for Purpose: Crafting a Stable, Inclusive and Resilient Financial Sector (January 2024) x9c7x
PSA Customs Authority Customs Brokers vwlhn
Procedure Customs Authority SOP-Streamlined Export Clearance Procedure for Commercial Goods Through Land Border Posts and Airports-Approved a74ux
Procedure Customs Authority SOP-Streamlined Import Clearance Procedure for Commercial Goods Through Land Border Posts and Airports-Approved mh3d8
Publication Customs Authority ePayment Leaflet y8dy5
PSA Customs Authority ePayment Video 7nuce
Circular Customs Authority CA Quarterly Newsletter Apr – June 2024 xvikb
Publication Customs Authority Timor-Leste Post Accession Vision and Strategy 2024 2031 eduza
Publication BTI BTI 2024 Timor-Leste Country Report v37fn
Publication IMF IMF Country Report No. 24/56: Timor-Leste 2023 Article IV Consultation jslh2
Procedure Customs Authority Customs Export Clearence of the Diplomatic Bag from Accredited Diplomatic Missions 2024 43plq
Law Government of Timor-Leste Decree-Law No. 89_2023 Sectoral Licensing Law for Commercial Activities l0bzq
Publication ASEAN Joint Statement of the 32nd ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council Meeting cjzrx
PSA Customs Authority Import Clearance Procedure through Land Borders & Airports bp8du
PSA Customs Authority Export Clearance Procedure through Land Borders & Airports 9lcm0
Circular Customs Authority CA Quarterly Newsletter July-Sept 2024 uguwu

Important Note: We always aim to keep this information up-to-date and accurate; however, we cannot be held responsible in the event that any information changes without prior notice. We encourage you to consult with us or the relevant agency directly to confirm the accuracy of information provided.

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