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Customs Declaration Form

When you arrive as a traveler into Timor-Leste, you are legally required to complete a Customs Arrival Declaration form. You can access and download a copy of this form here.

The form includes eight questions that you should carefully read and then provide answers to. In the unlikely event that a Customs Arrival Declaration form is not available when you arrive into Timor-Leste, then you will be required to make a verbal declaration to us. In those circumstances, we will ask you relevant questions.

Each adult traveler can bring goods duty-free into Timor-Leste up to a maximum value of $300 (three hundred dollars).

You can find out more about your duty-free allowances here.

What if my goods are worth more than $300?

If you are carrying goods more than your $300 duty free allowance, then you are legally obliged to inform us. Failure to do so, could result in us issuing you with a fine or even taking legal action against you.

If your goods are valued less than $1,000 you can easily make a declaration to us by using the Traveler’s Declaration (IT4) procedure. If your goods are valued more than $1,000, then you will need to follow the Commercial Importation (IM4) procedure. We can help talk you through each of these different procedures after you have advised us about your goods and the associated value(s).

Travelers Declaration (IT4)

We will complete a simple electronic form with your assistance, and you will need to provide us the following information:

  • Passport Number
  • Name
  • Address
  • Invoice or receipt you received with the goods when purchased
  • Country of purchase
  • Currency used for the purchase
  • Flight number

You will need to provide us with a copy of any relevant invoice or payment receipt to confirm the amount that you paid for your goods. We use this figure to calculate the value.

Once completed, we will use the information you supplied us with to make an electronic declaration within the customs processing system (known as ASYUDA World). We can do this right away, and you will not need to use the services of a Customs Broker. After the electronic declaration is made, the relevant duties and taxes will be automatically calculated, and we will give you a payment slip.

You can choose to pay by debit or credit card, or you can take this slip to a local bank branch to pay in cash. Please note, we do not accept cash payments directly. If you are paying at the local bank, we will temporarily hold onto your goods until you return with the payment slip from the bank. We can provide directions to the local bank branch if you need help.

What if my goods are worth more than $1,000?

If the value of the goods you are carrying exceeds $1,000, then you have to make a Commercial Import Declaration (IM4). This will include having to contact a Customs Broker, who will make the declaration on your behalf.

Bringing Money into Timor-Leste

If you intend to bring in or take our $20,000 or more in US Dollars or equivalent amount in any other currency, then you must obtain prior authorization from the Central Bank of Timor-Leste.

Upon arrival, you must declare this cash to us and also show the Central Bank of Timor-Leste authorization. You can find out more about the Central Bank of Timor-Leste’s official instruction here.

Fees and Charges

The only costs that you need to pay is for the duties and taxes shown on the electronic payment slip. If anyone asks you for any additional types of payments, you should ask to speak with a manager or supervisor immediately. Alternatively, you can report the information to the Customs Hotline by calling 12200, or by completing an online report form.

Failure to declare relevant goods, or cash totaling $20,000 or more, may mean that you are committing a criminal offense, and you may be liable to a financial penalty, arrest, or prosecution at court. If you are unsure, please speak to us and we can provide more assistance.

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