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Autoridade Portuáriu Timor-Leste (APORTIL) maka autoridade ida iha Timor-Leste atu jere kona ba Portu Dili. Sira nia responsabilidade sira inklui: fornese fatin temporariu ba sasan sira ne’ebe mak to’o mai ho ro ahi; jestaun jeral no manitensaun ba portu; kolesaun ba atrakasaun nian no kustu ba armazen (demurrage) ba kontentor ne’ebe rai iha portu laran. Portu halo ninia operasaun ba 24hrs kada loron, loron 363 kada tinan, ba funsaun balun sira hanesan hatun/hasa’e sasan iha ro ahi ne’ebe atraka hela, hasai sasan bulk (fos, somente & ai) no entrega fila fali kontentor mamuk sira atu tula fali ba ro ahi ne’ebe atraka hela. Funsaun operasional sira seluk opera entre oras 08.00hrs to 17.00hrs. Ita bele kontaktu parte APORTIL iha numeru kontaktu: (+670) 331 7264.

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