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The Ministry of Finance (MOF) is the central body of the government responsible for drafting, executing, coordinating and assessing the policies approved by the Council of Ministers, in the areas of: annual planning and monitoring; and budget and finance. MoF has four General Directorates, 1 National Directorate and its Executive Office which includes the Office of the Minister and Office of the Vice-Minister. The MOF is located at: Building #5, Palaco do Governo, Dili, Timor-Leste. You can contact the MOF by calling: +670 333 9694 or by email:

Ministeriu Finansas (MOF) maka hanesan orgaun sentral governu nian ne’ebe mak responsavel ba halo esbosu, exekuta, koordena no avalia politika sira ne’ebe mak aprova ona husi Konselhu Ministru, iha area sira hanesan: planu anual no monitorizasaun; no orsamentu no finansas. MoF iha ninia Diresaun Jeral hat, 1 Diresaun Nasional no ninia servisu Ezekutivu sira ne’ebe mak inklui servisu fatin Ministru nian no servisu fatin Vise-Ministru nian. MOF lokaliza iha: Building #5, Palaco do Governo, Dili, Timor-Leste. Ita bele kontaktu MOF iha numeru kontaktu: +670 333 9694 ka email:

O Ministério das Finanças (MF) é o órgão central do governo responsável por desenhar, executar, coordenar e avaliar as políticas aprovadas pelo Conselho de Ministros na área de planeamento e monitorização anuais e na área de orçamento e finanças. O MF conta com quatro Direções-Gerais, uma Direção Nacional e o seu Gabinete Executivo, o qual inclui o Gabinete do Ministro e o Gabinete da Vice-Ministra. O MF está sedeado no Edifício N.º 5 do Palácio do Governo, em Díli, Timor-Leste. Pode contactar o MF através do telefone +670 333 9694 ou do endereço de correio eletrónico:

Kementerian Keuangan (MOF) adalah badan pemerintah pusat yang bertanggung jawab untuk merancang, melaksanakan, mengoordinasikan, dan menilai kebijakan yang disetujui oleh Dewan Menteri, di bidang: perencanaan dan pemantauan tahunan; dan anggaran dan keuangan. MOF memiliki empat Direktorat Jenderal, 1 Direktorat Nasional dan Kantor Eksekutifnya yang meliputi Kantor Menteri dan Kantor Wakil Menteri. MOF berlokasi di: Gedung #5, Palacio do Governo, Dili, Timor-Leste. Anda dapat menghubungi MOF dengan menelepon: +670 333 9694 atau melalui email:

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