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Yes: If you are travelling to Timor-Leste with your vehicle (car, motorbike or mobile home), and do not intend on permanently staying in the country, you can apply make an application to us at the place of entry – i.e. the border that you arrive at. In doing so, you will need to follow the rules contained within the approved Customs Authority “Temporary Admission of Goods Using a Carnet procedure.”

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) is the Government department responsible for the design, implementation, coordination and evaluation of the policy, defined and approved by the Council of Ministers, for the areas of transport and communications, and is responsible, for the proposal and implementation of the Ministry’s policy lines in the transport and communications sectors.

Yes: There are certain conditions and requirements that you must consider and fulfil when importing a vehicle, which are listed within the “Conditions and Procedures to Observe Regarding the Importation of Motor Vehicles (Decree law 30/2011). This law has the aim of regulating the conditions and procedures related to the import of vehicles and the differences between private importations and commercial importations.

There are certain conditions and requirements that you must consider and fulfil when importing a vehicle. These are listed within the “Conditions and Procedures to Observe Regarding the Importation of Motor Vehicles (Decree law 30/2011), which was approved with the aim of regulating the conditions and procedures related to the import of vehicles and the differences between private importations and commercial importations.

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