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When importing or exporting any commercial goods, you must utilize the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. In most countries, this is simply known as the “HS”. In addition to providing the government with important trade related data, the correct classification of your goods is a legal requirement under Article 154 of the Customs Code (Decree Law: 14/2017). These codes are used extensively by over 200 countries who are contracted to the Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (also known as the ‘HS Convention’). Customs authorities not only use HS codes to identify what goods are being shipped, they also use them to apply relevant customs duties, taxes and regulations. Governments also use HS codes to collect global trade statistics and create tariffs. Private companies use the same system to monitor goods, develop and advocate trade policies, collect statistics on traffic and transport as well as monitor prices. You can use our handy “”Tariff Finder”” which you can find on the here (embed link to tariff finder), or

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