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The Customs Authority, is the official name of the Customs administration service of Timor-Leste. It is the organization from which the Government of Timor-Leste controls what comes in, and what goes out of the country, including people, goods and vehicles, ships and aircrafts. It is an important source of revenue and helps to secure the nation’s borders.

Yes, you can carry goods for other people, but you will not be entitled to any duty-free relief. In other words, you will need to declare these goods to us irrespective of value, and then submit a IT4 declaration (if the goods are valued up to USD $1,000), or a IM4 declaration (if the goods are valued in excess of USD $1,000).

We are responsible for:

  • Helping the government collect revenue in a fair and transparent way
  • Making our procedures more efficient
  • Bringing our activities in line with international standards
  • Stopping major losses in revenue caused by inefficiency
  • Attracting investment in Timor-Leste by making it easier for businesses to import and export goods
  • Facilitating regional and international trade
  • Securing Timor-Leste’s borders and stopping illegal goods from entering the country.

We help the government to control the movement of people, goods, vehicles, ships and aircraft that enter and exit Timor-Leste.

Article 2(1) of Decree Law 2/ 2020, states that the Customs Authority is an administrative service of the State, endowed with administrative autonomy. Furthermore, Article 2(2) of Decree Law 2/ 2020 states that the Customs Authority works in direct dependence of the member of Government responsible for the area of finance. In other words, we report hierarchically to the Minister of Finance, and we only have autonomy over our administrative functions.

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