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Ida ne’e importante katak ita inklui informasaun barak se posivel, mesmu ita sente katak ida ne’e ladun relevante. Exemplu hanesan, tenta no inklui: Se; Saida; Bainhira; Iha ne’ebe; no Tanba saida.

Sim bele, iha Artigu 164 nia okos Kodigu Aduaneiru (Dekretu Lei 14/2017), ita bele marka presensa wainhira ami halo hela inspesaun ba ita nia sasan sira. Ami sei jeralmente notifika ita ka ita nia agente despaxante aduaneiru wainhira ami prontu ona atu halo inspesaun atu nune’e ita mos bele atende se ita hakarak.

The Customs Authority, is the official name of the Customs administration service of Timor-Leste. It is the organization from which the Government of Timor-Leste controls what comes in, and what goes out of the country, including people, goods and vehicles, ships and aircrafts. It is an important source of revenue and helps to secure the nation’s borders.

Autoridade Aduaneiru maka, naran ofisial husi Servisu Administrasaun Alfandega Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e hanesan organizasaun Governu Timor-Leste ne’ebe mak halo kontrolu ba saida mak tama mai, no saida mak sai husi nasaun, inklui ema, sasan no vehikulu, ro ahi no aviaun sira. Organizasaun ida ne’e mos hanesan fontes importante ba impostu no ajuda atu asegura fronteira nasaun nian.

Sim presiza: Ema se deit ka kompania ne’ebe importa ka exporta sasan sira tenke iha numeru identifikasaun taxa (TIN) ida.

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