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A National Single Window is a portal where traders can submit all documents relating to trade and can access all relevant information regarding trade via a single electronic gateway. The portal connects the Customs Authority with all government agencies that deal with the movement of people or goods, including tax, immigration, quarantine, health, transport, agriculture, fisheries, foreign affairs and the Central Bank. In 2017, the Timor-Leste Council of Ministers passed Resolution 14/2017 to establish a National Single Window by using ASYCUDA World as the operating platform.

Traditionally, when traders wish to import or export goods, they have had to submit the same information at numerous times to different government entities. Sometimes these documents have to be submitted electronically, sometimes by paper. This is time consuming, often costly, increases the chance of making mistakes, and makes the process of trading difficult. This system automates and simplifies this by allowing traders to submit all import, export, and transit information required by regulatory agencies via a single electronic gateway. Paper is eliminated and accurate and consistent information is available for traders. By doing so, the system also allows traders to access all relevant trade rules, regulations, procedures, fee schedules and forms from all border management agencies through a single user-friendly website. We are currently working with other stakeholders, such as the United Nations Conference on International Trade (UNCTAD), to introduce the National Single Window within Timor-Leste.

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