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A commercial invoice is a legal document between the supplier (consignor) and the customer (consignee). This document should include payment details, instructions, and terms. The commercial invoice is one of the most important documentsnin international trade, and the information contained within this document is used to create the customs declaration. Providing the commercial invoice when you make your declaration to us is a legal requirement under Article 156 of the Customs Code (Decree Law: 14/2017). Although there is no standard format, the commercial invoice must include a few specific pieces of information, such as the parties involved in the shipping transaction, the goods being transported, the country of manufacture, and the Harmonized System codes for those goods. A commercial invoice should also include a statement certifying that the invoice is true, and a signature.

Informasuan kontein ona iha packing list no invoice komersial bele mosu hanesan, dokumentu rua ne’e serve iha objetivu ne’ebe la hanesan. Packing list fornese exportador, freight forwarder internasional, no konsignador ultima ho informasaun kona ba transportasaun. Lista ida ne’e bele mos inklui detelhu kona ba oinsa transportasaun empakote no marka ho ninia numeru katak nota ona iha kaixa nia lolon. Dokumentu ida ne’e serve liu hanesan objetivu lojistikal, no presiza iha eventu disputa ruma ka reklama mosu iha shipping line, Alfandega, ka entre komprador no vendedor sasan nian. Ida ne’e uza mos atu verifika katak sasan sira ne’ebe mak haruka mai husi exportador simu ona iha kondisaun ne’ebe di’ak, no mos ba objetivu arkivu nian.

Invoice komersial maka dokumentu legal ida entre fornesedor (consignor) no kliente (consignee). Dokumentu ida ne’e tenke inklui detelhu pagamentu, instrusaun no termus sira. Invoice komersial maka hanesan dokumentu importante ida nin international trade, and the information contained within this document is used to create the customs declaration. Providing the commercial invoice when you make your declaration to us is a legal requirement under Article 156 of the Customs Code (Decree Law: 14/2017). Although there is no standard format, the commercial invoice must include a few specific pieces of information, such as the parties involved in the shipping transaction, the goods being transported, the country of manufacture, and the Harmonized System codes for those goods. A commercial invoice should also include a statement certifying that the invoice is true, and a signature.

Tuir Kodigu Aduaneiru, Dokumentu sira hanesan tuir mai ne’e mak presiza:

      1. Invoice Komersial sira (ida ne’e tenke invoice ne’ebe husi vendedor ba komprador)
      2. Dokumentasaun saida deit ne’ebe mak fornese evidensia atu hetan preferensia ka dever tratamentu exempsaun nian.
      3. Sertifikadu Sanitariu, fitosanitariu ka sertifikadu sira seluk, wainhira ida ne’e presiza ba sasan sira seluk
      4. Dokumentu sira seluk ne’ebe mak presiza ba importasaun partikular.


While the information contained within the packing list and commercial invoice may appear to be the same, the two documents serve very different purposes. The packing list provides the exporter, the international freight forwarder, and the ultimate consignee with information about the shipment. This list also includes details about how the shipment is packed and the marks and numbers that are noted on the outside of the boxes. This document serves a more logistical purpose, and is required in the event of any disputes or claims that may arise with the shipping line, customs, or between the buyer and seller for goods. It’s also used to verify that all merchandise shipped by the exporter is received in good order and condition, as well as for stock-keeping and inventory purposes.

According to the Customs Code, the following documents are required:

  1. Commercial invoice (this must be the invoice from the seller to the purchaser)
  2. Any documentation that provides evidence to obtain preferential or duty exemption treatment.
  3. Sanitary, phytosanitary or other Certificate, when this is required for certain goods
  4. Any other document required for particular imports.

Yes: Providing the commercial invoice when you make your declaration to us is a legal requirement under Article 156 of the Customs Code (Decree Law: 14/2017).

A packing list is a document used in international trade, that provides the exporter, the international freight forwarder, and the ultimate consignee with information about the shipment. This list also includes details about how the shipment is packed and the marks and numbers that are noted on the outside of the boxes. A packing list is not a substitute for a commercial invoice.

Sim: Fornese invoice komersial wainhira ita halo ita nia deklarasaun mai ami hanesan rekerementu legal ida iha Artigu 156 nia okos Kodigu Aduaneiru (Dekretu Lei: 14/2017).

Packing list maka dokumentu ida uza iha komersiu internasional, ne’ebe mak fornese exportador sira, freight forwarder internasional sira, no konsignador ultima ho informasaun sasan nian. Lista ida ne’e bele inklui detelhu kona ba oinsa sasan empakote no marka ho numeru iha kaixa nia lolon. Packing list la substitui invoice komersial.

Sim. O Artigo 156.º do Código Aduaneiro (Decreto-Lei N.º 14/2017) estabelece a obrigatoriedade de juntar a fatura comercial à sua declaração aduaneira.

Segundo o Código Aduaneiro são necessários os seguintes documentos:

  1. Fatura comercial (a fatura do vendedor ao comprador)
  2. Qualquer documentação que prove a obtenção de tratamento preferencial ou a isenção do pagamento de direitos
  3. Certificado sanitário, fitossanitário ou outro que seja necessário para determinadas mercadorias
  4. Qualquer outro documento necessário para determinadas importações.

Uma fatura comercial é um documento jurídico entre o fornecedor (consignador) e o cliente (consignado). Este documento deve incluir detalhes, instruções e termos de pagamento. A fatura comercial é um dos documentos mais importantes no comércio internacional, com as informações nela contidas a serem utilizadas para criar a declaração aduaneira. O Artigo 156.º do Código Aduaneiro (Decreto-Lei N.º 14/2017) estabelece a obrigatoriedade de juntar a fatura comercial à sua declaração aduaneira. Embora não exista um formato padrão, a fatura comercial precisa incluir algumas informações específicas, tais como as partes envolvidas na transação de transporte, as mercadorias a serem transportadas, o país de fabrico e os Códigos do Sistema Harmonizado para essas mercadorias. Uma fatura comercial deve incluir também uma declaração certificando a veracidade da fatura, bem como uma assinatura.

A lista de embalagens é um documento usado no comércio internacional que dá informações sobre a remessa ao exportador, ao transportador internacional e ao consignado final. Esta lista inclui igualmente detalhes sobre como a remessa está embalada e sobre as marcas e números no exterior das caixas. A lista de embalagens não substitui a fatura comercial.

Embora as informações contidas na lista de embalagens e na fatura comercial possam parecer idênticas, os dois documentos têm finalidades muito diferentes. A lista de embalagens dá informações sobre a remessa ao exportador, ao transportador internacional e ao consignado final. Esta lista inclui igualmente detalhes sobre como a remessa está embalada e sobre as marcas e números no exterior das caixas. Este documento tem uma finalidade mais logística, sendo necessário caso surjam disputas ou reivindicações a nível da transportadora, das alfândegas ou entre o comprador e o vendedor das mercadorias. É também utilizado para garantir que todas as mercadorias enviadas pelo exportador são recebidas em bom estado e em boa condição, assim como para fins de apuramento de stock e inventário.

Ya: Memberikan faktur komersial saat Anda membuat pernyataan kepada kami adalah persyaratan hukum berdasarkan Pasal 156 Kode Bea Cukai (Keputusan UU: 14/2017).

Daftar pengepakan adalah dokumen yang digunakan dalam perdagangan internasional, yang memberikan informasi kepada eksportir, pengirim barang internasional, dan penerima akhir tentang pengiriman. Daftar ini juga mencakup rincian tentang bagaimana pengiriman dikemas dan tanda dan nomor yang dicatat di luar kotak. Daftar pengepakan bukan pengganti faktur komersial.

Faktur komersial adalah dokumen hukum antara pemasok (pengirim) dan pelanggan (penerima barang). Dokumen ini harus mencakup rincian pembayaran, instruksi, dan persyaratan. Faktur komersial adalah salah satu dokumen terpenting dalam perdagangan internasional, dan informasi yang terkandung dalam dokumen ini digunakan untuk membuat deklarasi bea cukai. Memberikan faktur komersial ketika Anda membuat pernyataan Anda kepada kami adalah persyaratan hukum berdasarkan Pasal 156 Kode Bea Cukai (Keputusan UU: 14/2017). Meskipun tidak ada format standar, faktur komersial harus menyertakan beberapa informasi spesifik, seperti pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam transaksi pengiriman, barang yang diangkut, negara produsen, dan kode Sistem Harmonisasi untuk barang-barang tersebut. Faktur komersial juga harus menyertakan pernyataan yang menyatakan bahwa faktur itu benar, dan tanda tangan.

Menurut Kode Bea Cukai, dokumen-dokumen berikut diperlukan:

  1. Faktur komersial (ini harus berupa faktur dari penjual ke pembeli)
  2. Setiap dokumentasi yang memberikan bukti untuk mendapatkan perlakuan istimewa atau pembebasan bea/kewajiban.
  3. Sanitasi, Fitosanitari, atau Sertifikat lainnya bila diperlukan untuk barang-barang tertentu.
  4. Dokumen lain yang diperlukan untuk impor tertentu.

Sementara informasi yang terkandung dalam daftar kemasan dan faktur komersial mungkin tampak sama, kedua dokumen tersebut memiliki tujuan yang sangat berbeda. Daftar pengepakan memberi eksportir, pengirim barang internasional, dan penerima barang utama dengan informasi tentang pengiriman. Daftar ini juga mencakup rincian tentang bagaimana pengiriman dikemas dan tanda dan nomor yang dicatat di luar kotak. Dokumen ini melayani tujuan yang lebih logistik dan diperlukan jika terjadi perselisihan atau klaim yang mungkin timbul dengan jalur pelayaran, bea cukai, atau antara pembeli dan penjual barang. Ini juga digunakan untuk memverifikasi bahwa semua barang dagangan yang dikirim oleh eksportir diterima dalam keadaan dan kondisi yang baik, serta untuk tujuan penyimpanan dan inventaris.

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