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Established in 2010, the Chamber of Commerce Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) is the recognized representative of the private business sector in Timor-Leste and is a trusted strategic partner with the Government. Government Resolution 17/2017 recognizes the CCI-TL an official strategic partner. The CCI-TL’s focus is to: Consolidate and create CCI-TL networks in all 13 Municipalities; Provide training and advocacy; Represent the needs of members by being a representative of business community across all levels of business.

TradeInvest is the official investment and export promotion agency in Timor-Leste, and provides a host of services to both foreign and domestic companies

TradeInvest maka agensia ofisial ba investimentu no promosaun exportasaun iha Timor-Leste, no fornese servisu ba tantu kompania estranjeiru no domestiku sira.

Estalese iha tinan 2010, Kamara Komersiu e Industria Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) maka hanesan reprezentativu seitor negosiu privadu rekonhesidu iha Timor-Leste no fiar stratejiku ho parseiru Governu. Rezulusaunn Governu Resolution 17/2017 rekonhese CCI-TL hanesan parseiru stratejiku ofisial. CCI-TL foku atu: Konsolida no kria rede CCI-TL iha munisipiu 13; Fornese treinamentu no advokasia ; Reprezenta nesesidade membru sira ho sai hanesan reprezentativu negosiu komunidade iha nivel negosiu sira hotu.

A TradeInvest é a agência oficial de promoção do investimento e das exportações em Timor-Leste, prestando uma gama de serviços a empresas nacionais e estrangeiras.

Criada em 2010, a Câmara de Comércio de Commerce Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) é o representante reconhecido do setor privado em Timor-Leste e um parceiro estratégico de confiança do Governo. A Resolução Governamental N.º 17/2017 reconhece a CCI-TL como parceiro estratégico oficial. Os objetivos da CCI-TL são consolidar e criar redes da CCI-TL nos 13 Municípios, providenciar formação e defesa dos direitos, e representar as necessidades dos membros ao representar a comunidade empresarial em todos os níveis de atividade.

Didirikan pada tahun 2010, Kamar Dagang Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) adalah perwakilan yang diakui dari sektor bisnis swasta di Timor-Leste dan merupakan mitra strategis terpercaya dengan Pemerintah. Resolusi Pemerintah 17/2017 mengakui CCI-TL sebagai mitra strategis resmi. Fokus CCI-TL adalah untuk: Mengkonsolidasikan dan menciptakan jaringan CCI-TL di 13 Kotamadya; Memberikan pelatihan dan advokasi; Mewakili kebutuhan anggota dengan menjadi perwakilan komunitas bisnis di semua level bisnis.

TradeInvest adalah agen promosi investasi dan ekspor resmi di Timor-Leste, dan menyediakan sejumlah layanan untuk perusahaan asing dan domestik.

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