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Tuir Kodigu Aduaneiru, Dokumentu sira hanesan tuir mai ne’e mak presiza:

      1. Invoice Komersial sira (ida ne’e tenke invoice ne’ebe husi vendedor ba komprador)
      2. Dokumentasaun saida deit ne’ebe mak fornese evidensia atu hetan preferensia ka dever tratamentu exempsaun nian.
      3. Sertifikadu Sanitariu, fitosanitariu ka sertifikadu sira seluk, wainhira ida ne’e presiza ba sasan sira seluk
      4. Dokumentu sira seluk ne’ebe mak presiza ba importasaun partikular.


Invoice komersial maka dokumentu legal ida entre fornesedor (consignor) no kliente (consignee). Dokumentu ida ne’e tenke inklui detelhu pagamentu, instrusaun no termus sira. Invoice komersial maka hanesan dokumentu importante ida nin international trade, and the information contained within this document is used to create the customs declaration. Providing the commercial invoice when you make your declaration to us is a legal requirement under Article 156 of the Customs Code (Decree Law: 14/2017). Although there is no standard format, the commercial invoice must include a few specific pieces of information, such as the parties involved in the shipping transaction, the goods being transported, the country of manufacture, and the Harmonized System codes for those goods. A commercial invoice should also include a statement certifying that the invoice is true, and a signature.

Informasuan kontein ona iha packing list no invoice komersial bele mosu hanesan, dokumentu rua ne’e serve iha objetivu ne’ebe la hanesan. Packing list fornese exportador, freight forwarder internasional, no konsignador ultima ho informasaun kona ba transportasaun. Lista ida ne’e bele mos inklui detelhu kona ba oinsa transportasaun empakote no marka ho ninia numeru katak nota ona iha kaixa nia lolon. Dokumentu ida ne’e serve liu hanesan objetivu lojistikal, no presiza iha eventu disputa ruma ka reklama mosu iha shipping line, Alfandega, ka entre komprador no vendedor sasan nian. Ida ne’e uza mos atu verifika katak sasan sira ne’ebe mak haruka mai husi exportador simu ona iha kondisaun ne’ebe di’ak, no mos ba objetivu arkivu nian.

Sim: Fornese invoice komersial wainhira ita halo ita nia deklarasaun mai ami hanesan rekerementu legal ida iha Artigu 156 nia okos Kodigu Aduaneiru (Dekretu Lei: 14/2017).

Packing list maka dokumentu ida uza iha komersiu internasional, ne’ebe mak fornese exportador sira, freight forwarder internasional sira, no konsignador ultima ho informasaun sasan nian. Lista ida ne’e bele inklui detelhu kona ba oinsa sasan empakote no marka ho numeru iha kaixa nia lolon. Packing list la substitui invoice komersial.

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