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Yes: To import or export commercially, you must first obtain a business certificate from Servico de Registo e Verificacao Empressarial (SERVE). SERVE’s operating hours are Monday to Friday, 0830 -1230, and 1400 to 1700. Telephone: (+670) 331 0316.

The Comissão Anti-Corrupção (CAC) is tasked with rooting out and eradicating corruption. Corruption destroys the very foundation of society, and does not distinguish between small or large, rich or poor nations. Corruption wrecks our children’s future. It is an obstacle to the progress of the young; and it hastens the death of the elderly. Corruption also hinders the rule of law; and threatens democracy. CAC was formed by Law on the Anti-corruption Commission Law (Law 8/2009).

The Air Navigation Administration Timor Leste (ANATL), which formed in 2005, is the government administration responsible for national airports in Timor-Leste. The airport is operational between 06.00hrs to 18.30hrs, 365 days per year. Flight arrivals and departures are currently limited to daylight hours as current infrastructure does not enable night-time use of the runway. The main terminal building is divided in to two sections for departures and arrivals.

Ground operations at the Dili International Airport are handled by SDV Bollore and STAT.

There are a number of agencies committed to tackling corruption within Timor-Leste, including the Anti-Corruption Commission; Office of the Prosecutor General; Civil Service Commission; and the Office of the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice. You can report information to us by calling the Customs Hotline “12200”. All calls are free and you can chose to remain anonymous if you prefer. You can leave message in Tetun, English or Portuguese. Alternatively, you can send us the information by completing an online report form.

The Associação Empresarial das Mulheres Timor-Leste (AEMTL) is the Timor-Leste Business-women Association with the mission to promote and empower entrepreneurs and business-women readiness to compete and succeed in Timor-Leste emergent Private sector. AEMTL is determined to introduce new trends into Private Sector current dynamic: more ownership to reduce dependency from public projects, more structured and professional businesses, be the real productive sector and an effective alternative to Public Sector in job creation and income generation, and explore innovative and creative ways of doing business in Timor-Leste. Given the critical role women play in family welfare, AEMTL will directly contribute to poverty reduction and will effectively contribute to sustainable economic growth of the nation.

The Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) or Community of Portuguese Language Countries was founded in 1996. It is an international organization and political association of Lusophone nations across four continents, where Portuguese is an official language. The CPLP operates as a privileged, multilateral forum for the mutual cooperation of the governments, economies, non-governmental organizations, and peoples of the Lusofonia. The CPLP consists of 9 member states and 19 associate observers, located in Europe, South America, Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Timor-Leste has been an active member of the CPLP since joining in 2002.

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